Friday, March 20, 2009

Banister Bliss!

This is a big deal. A really big deal! We have lived in the new addition of our home for 2 years without having the banister complete. I have had nightmares of someone fallling down the stairs because the spindles were not installed leaving it very hazardous. There has been a lot of issues, that aren't worth retelling. Just know that having a complete banister is a big deal! It's beautiful too.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Mustang Man

In August Gared and I spent two days in Park City at the Mustang Car Show. There were about 325 cars lining Main Street. We were celebrating our 17th anniversary. Its hard to believe it has been that long since our first car show together. We honeymooned in Park City and stumbled upon the show in 1991. It has been our goal since to return each year and celebrate Mustang-style! It has been 17 amazing years. Thanks, Hun, love ya!

Here we are half way through September. The kids are in school...all of them...ALL day! I love the time I have to myself, but I must admit I was disenchanted. I had such great expectations for myself. I just knew I would get so much accomplished. Well, that's not the case! I still run around like a chicken with my head cut off! I guess that just comes under the job description of MOM. They still need so much even though they are at school several hours a day.
I would lke to just give a quick summation of our summer and some tidbits from our life.
Dax- turned 12 this summer, received the priesthood, and is in 7th grade. He has been involved with scouts including his first scout camp, overnight backpack trip and has received his Tenderfoot ranking. He is learning to play the piano and the slide trombone in band.
Ethan- is 10, has found he loves to read, still rides his motorcycle, and is in 5th grade
Graysen- is 8, loves anything that doesn't require sitting still or being quiet, is in 3rd grade
Hannah- is 6 (almost 7!), in first grade this year, got her hair cut short (darling!) and loves playing with friends
Gared has been cleaning up his Mustang mess and looking forward to having barn/shop built so that he can organize his "stuff" in and work even if the weather is bad.

We have 3 dogs, a cat, a parakeet, 5 geese, 4 ducks, and 3 goats! Our little homestead is turning into quite the farm. This summer we put in a pond and are making plans for the barn now. Keep your fingers crossed... we are hoping for horses in the spring.

We still have my brother Troy living with us. He has been here for 9 months now, is working for Alpine Cleaning and Restoration (great company!) and enjoys working out at the gym. We were very lucky to have his son, Aydien here for several weeks this summer. He is such a joy. We love having them both here.
Life is good!
OK>so I am still inexperienced with this blogging thing, soI can't figure out how to flip these pictures. I deleted everything and started over, then did the same thing again. So, sorry, I hope you don't strain your neck!